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Policies And Publication Ethics

Redefine Art Gallery’s Policies: Ensuring Ethical and Transparent Publication

At Redefine Art Gallery, we are committed to fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and ethical publishing practices. Our policies are designed to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and ensure that all content published on our platform meets rigorous quality criteria. Below, we outline our key policies and procedures to guide authors, reviewers, and readers through the publication process.

Open Access and Copyright

All articles published on Redefine Art Gallery from May 2015 onwards are made available under the Creative Commons CC-BY license (current version: CC-BY, version 4.0). This means that while authors retain copyright, the content is freely accessible for download, distribution, and adaptation, provided proper attribution is given to the original article.

Upon submission, authors grant Redefine Art Gallery a license to publish, including the right to display, store, copy, and reuse the content. The CC-BY license allows for broad usage of the publication, with appropriate attribution to the author(s) and acknowledgment of Redefine Art Gallery as the original publisher.

Authorship and Author Responsibilities

Our authorship policy ensures that all intellectual contributors are appropriately credited for their involvement in the work, while authors and contributors take responsibility for the final published material. Named authors must meet specific criteria, including acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; drafting or revising the work; providing approval for publication; and agreeing to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

Contributors who do not meet these criteria but provide significant contributions to the manuscript should be acknowledged appropriately. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written approval from individuals named in the acknowledgment section.

Research Integrity: Avoiding Misconduct

Redefine Art Gallery strictly prohibits misconduct such as fabrication, falsification, redundant publication, and plagiarism. Manuscripts submitted to Redefine Art Gallery must contain original content and must not have been previously published or under consideration elsewhere.

Preprints and Extended Content

Redefine Art Gallery supports the use of preprints to share research findings openly and encourages authors to deposit their work on preprint servers. Authors may share their manuscripts ahead of submission to Redefine Art Gallery journals and during the review process, provided that no restrictions are imposed on copyright and re-use rights.

However, authors are required to ensure that preprints are appropriately cited within the manuscript and linked to the final published version upon acceptance.

Editorial Policies

Conflicts of interest are carefully managed to ensure the integrity of the peer review and publication process. Authors and members of Redefine Art Gallery’s editorial boards are required to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest at submission or upon accepting editorial or review assignments.

Failure to disclose competing interests may result in the rejection of a manuscript. If undisclosed conflicts of interest come to light post-publication, appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with internal policies and Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines.